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Diana Osagie
Diana Osagie
CEO, Courageous Leadership
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After ten years of working hard being a deputy head, I became a head teacher of a secondary school in inner London. Within my first week I was feeling courageous and confident, feeling like I could take on the world with a smile from ear to ear.

It was only a few months later I began going through challenging times at both work and home. All of my courage felt like it had left me and I was just about ready to quit.

Years on from that time in my life, I now mentor colleagues through challenging circumstances. I am a secondary school inspector and qualified leadership coach. I wrote the book, ‘Courageous Leadership’ and have developed a successful coaching practice that creates courageous leaders for our schools.

With over 2 decades of senior leadership (including headship and executive head ship) under my belt, I’ve become ready and willing to help other senior leaders achieve their full potential.